quarta-feira, 28 de março de 2012

segunda-feira, 26 de março de 2012


Heyyyy ^-^
I wanted to tell you a few things: I LOVE YOU, all! <3 thank you for your support and for the 3000 views you gave me!
This April is the blog's birthday, and i am glad to say that i have that many viewrs! :33
Love yah <3<3




Hey...tudo bem? hoje vim aqui para contar algumas novidades... :/ primeira: estou mesmo triste, porque as visitas desceram mais  ao menos 90 visualizações este mes :cc
e estou feliz, porque vou cortar o meu cabewoo *0*
Vai ficar assim:

esta na  foto é a youtuber Kill Natalie :3
*me gusta o cabelo*
Kisses ^-^


Hey...i am pretty sad with this: my views are too low... so im kinda mad and sad... anyway the good new is i am getting the same haircut as the photo! <3

quinta-feira, 22 de março de 2012

New video of Kill Natalie

Heyy ^^ soo.. i wanted to tell you to check the new kill natalie's video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASWRKb0ek68&feature=plcp&context=C477f78eVDvjVQa1PpcFO7bhqtJECVgrC1P26xmhItWTwHFWqVQLA%3D Have fun <3 S2

Plus: i will start making videos and that! <3

domingo, 18 de março de 2012



Oii pessoas! (e talvez vampiros :33 ) Tudo bem?
Hoje decidi criar uma nova pagina do blog, dedicada a vampiros *-* porque eu , como apaixonada que sou, fiz mta pesquisa, e queria postar aqui ^.// Então para verem o que eu vou postando, nas pags dos separadores, cliquem em "Vampires" :33 Era só para avisar ^^
Bom resto de fim de semana, Sally


Heyy people! ^^ (and maybe vampires :33) How are you?
Today i decided to do a new blog "subject" sort of... about VAMPIRES *-* Cuz i loveeee them ^^ and i made a lot of  work about it ^^ so just check it out ^^
Good rest of weekend, Sally

sexta-feira, 16 de março de 2012


Hello everyone!! I just have an amazing new! I talked to Damien Glonek, from living dead dolls, and i made him a entreview, which i will post here:

Me- Have you ever though in making a online death certificate, which people would be able to complete (with their own names) and print? :b
Damien - Currently the death certificates are all specific to each doll.  We have no plans on making online black ones.

Me- Have you ever thought in selling Living Dead Dolls in Portugal?
Damien - Living Dead Dolls are sold world wide.  I don't know specifically where in what countries, but I know there are available in North America, South America, Europe, Australia, Japan and other places as well.

Me- Which Living Dead Doll do you guys think that had more impact in the “public”?
Damien - Lots of people like different dolls for different reasons.  Everyone seems to find something the can identify with with a lot of different dolls.

Me- What do you have to say about the negative critics that you get, for example, about Satanism?
Damien - We have received very little negative feedback on any dolls.  We have never had a problem with any Satanic feedback.

Me- Which is your new idea for living dead dolls, if you don’t mind me to ask?
Damien - Series 23 should be out in July, we just wrapped up series 24 and we should have a few more things out before the end of the year.  Make sure  to sign up to our newsletter to get the latest news.

Me- How did you decide to make living dead dolls?
Damien - We have  the whole back store on how Living Dead Dolls was started available to read from our website.

Me- What do you think about the new attitude that kids have, i mean, playing with living dead dolls?
Damien - When we started we were not sure if anyone would be interested in these, but it seems that we have filled a void that no one else had touched upon.  We get people telling us all the time that they don't like dolls, but they like ours or they wish that these were around when we were kids.

Me- Are you thinking in making any other contest for Living Dead Dolls, for example, of drawings?
Damien - We just finished a year of contests for our 13th anniversary and every Halloween we have a costume contest.

Me -Which Living Dead Doll do you identify with?
Damien - There is a little piece of me in all the dolls that I created.

Me -Have you already thought in making a brand of clothes, with living dead dolls printed on?
Damien - We do sell LDD t-shirts at the different conventions we attend.  Hopefully soon we will make it available to order online.

This was the amazing entreview i got, so i hope you enjoy it ^-^

quarta-feira, 14 de março de 2012

My wishlist *0* ✞

Hello guys, i am too tired... i will let you here this website, where you can translate what i say: http://translate.google.com.br/ thank you :3

Olá :333 Tudo bem? Hoje estou super cansada.. e ainda tenho de estudar para espanhol... (-.-) mas prontos.. vou deixar aqui a lista de coisas que eu quero mesmo fazer (a minha wishlist) :

       -ser uma pessoa melhor;
       -conseguir, um dia, seguir o meu sonho de ser artista; (e de estudar na faculdade de belas artes do porto)
       -ir viver sozinha, em Londres;
       -visitar Londres com a minha mãe;
       -colecionar Living Dead Dolls;
       -decorar o meu quarto como eu quero (tipo pintar paredes, pintar cenas... colar posters a cobrir TODA a parede)
       -quando for mais velha (or not xD ) namorar;
       -manter e fazer mais amig@s;
       -mudar de corte de cabelo;
       -pintar o cabelo de cores loucas *0* ;
       -ir ver algum dos concertos das minhas bandas favoritas :') ;
       -ser capaz de passar a passadeira sem ser atropelada (ou quase..)
       -fazer uma tattoo *0*
       -ser menos desarumada... (pashhh)
       -conseguir ser eu própria, sem ter o incomodo de ter menos de 15 anos...
       -being happy with my (future) boyfriend forever :'3

Okiii sweets... done *0*

quinta-feira, 8 de março de 2012

Exciting NEWS!!!

Oi pessoal!!! ^^ Hoje estou super feliz porque....: consegui que os criadores das maravilhosas

me deixassem intrevistálos!!!! :D Então, se quiserem que eu lhes faça alguma pergunta, mandem-me mensagem a dizer qual, para o mail : sofiazinha.m.s@hotmail.com  e eu depois pergunto (se achar minimamente intressante :b

Vou também pensar em perguntas para lhes fazer ^^


Hii guys!!!!!!! :333 Im fucking happy; today, i talked to the Living Dead Dolls creators, and they told me i can intreview them!!!! FUCKING AWESOME!!!! :DDD So if you have any question you want me to ask them, just send me an emal to sofiazinha.m.s@hotmail.com and i will ask them that <3 S2

quarta-feira, 7 de março de 2012

The Agonist eye makeup...

THE AGONIST - and Their Eulogies Sang Me to Sleep (OFFICIAL)


Oii :33 Quero avisar que a proxima semana, vou ter testes e apresentaçoes orais todos os dias, por isso nao venho postar nada...desculpem :c Para voces, hj fiz uma lista das minhas bandas favoritas <3

Hiii :33 Just wanted to tell you guys that i have 5 tests on the next week... so thers no way i will post anything... sorry :c But today...: i made a list of my fav bandas &/or singers ^-^

-Black Veil Brides *0*
-Green Day
-Bullet for my valentine
-The Agonist
-Asking Alexandria
-Bring me the horizon
and more ^-^

domingo, 4 de março de 2012

Dead Clothing!!

Oi people! Tudo bem? Hoje vou postar pela segunda vez... anyway :b: decidi postar e falar sobre duas marcas de roupa que eu acho super lindas *-*: a TBCLUB e a DropDead!! «3 Podem visitá-las nestes sites:
TBCLUB: http://www.tbclub.co.uk
Drop Dead: http://store.iheartdropdead.com/
 Espero que gostem *-*


Hi people! How are you? Today i will post for the second time ^^ I decided to write about 2 super cool brands, which i adore :3
They are tbclub and drop dead ^^
Visit their websites:
TBCLUB: http://www.tbclub.co.uk
Drop Dead: http://store.iheartdropdead.com/
I hope you like them *-*


Translation in white ^^
Heyy!!! Nem vão acreditar nas novidades!! Está confirmado *-* Eu vou a Londres!!! É tão fixe... nem acredito :b Eu prometo que depois posto as fotos para vcs verem ^^
Beijos, Sofia

Hii guys! You won't belive this: Im going to london!!! *-* Im soo happy about this!!! I dont belive it... «3
I promiss i will post photos, when im back :33
Kisses, Sofia